Stud Females

Please remember that full pedigrees can be accessed on the official Australian Braford Society website

Press control key and click on above link to take you to the Braford website. Then click on Braford  database. Choose animal enquiry from the list. Type in animal name and press  the search button. When animal name appears in the table, double click on animal name and more details will appear. The pedigree button is listed at the bottom of the details. Click to view pedigree details.

Southern Cross Isa (P) by Carinya Nikkon (P) out of a Southern Cross Condor female

Southern Cross Isabel (Sc) by Carinya Nikkon (P) out of a Southern Cross Jonah female

Southern Cross Zoe by CD Zulu from a Linlora Herbert female.

Southern Cross Zatoya 677  by CD Zulu from a Linlora Herbert cow.



Southern Cross Gloss (P) by Little Valley Griffin out of a Carinya Navaroan female.

Southern Cross Zarina 655 by CD Zulu out of Carinya Julius female.


Southern Cross Gidget (P) by Little Valley Griffin out of a Carinya Nikkon female

Southern Cross Glimmer (P) by Little Valley Griffin out of a Condor female and Southern Cross Gypsy (H) by Little Valley Griffin out of a Carinya Navaroan female

Southern Cross Womeyo by CD Wambo from a Carinya Navaroan cow, SX Dianella by Ashby Denison from a Ascot OP female.


Southern Cross Nutmeg by CD Hotspur out of a Carinya Julius female

From left 538 Gretel  by  Griffin from  Hotspur cow ,Gazelle by  Griffin from Falcon cow, 535 Welcome  by Wilson from Julius cow,510 Gilda (back) by Griffin from Hotspur cow,511 Wanda by Wilson from Ascot OP cow ,523 Gaiety  by Griffin from Julius cow ,503 Glitter by Griffin from Hotspur cow

Southern Cross Wildflower by SX Wilson out of a SX KIte cow.

SX Zalma 644  by CD  Zulu from a SX Wilson female .

To view larger pictures of the animals, click on the picture.

Southern Cross Flamenco

Southern Cross Fairy Quail

Southern Cross Quandong

Southern Cross Fidget

SX Delvene by Ashby Denison out of a Griffin female.

Southern Cross Talisker

Southern Cross Bellbird

Southern Cross Fawn

Fairy Quail and Red Label heifer

from left.  SX Delvene 600 by Denison from a Griffin female,SX Hilda 611 by Linlora Herbert from a SX Condor female, SX Hazel 599  by Herbert from a Griffin female.

SX Dixie 609 by Ashby Denison out of a SX Condor female, SX Hata 607 by Linlora Herbert out of a SX Condor female.



    from left ; SX Hetty 601  by Herbert out of a Ascot OP female, SX Heather 603 by Herbert out of a SX Kite female.

from left; SX Hawa by Herbert from a Navaroan female,SX Hilary by Herbert from a SX Condor female, SX Dixie by Denison from a SX Condor female, SX Henrietta by Herbert from a Nikkon female,SX Humble by Herbert from a Navaroan female.

SX Zara 652 by CD Zulu from a SX Condor female.

SX Zirin 637 by CD Zulu from a Carinya Nikkon female, SX Zormina 639 by CD Zulu from a Carinya Navaroan cow. 


SX Zelda 638 by CD Zulu from a SX Kite cow.